I read a blog,which suggested that we should pick one word to sum up our thoughts or directions for the year to follow. I thought that it would be easy enough. Boy, was I wrong! I still haven't settled on one word. There just is way too many words, to pick just one! I admire those who could actually commit to one word. So I have thought, and thought, and thought some more. At first, all my words started with "R". Renew, Refresh , Review, Restructure...What does this mean. Do I really think I can get a "do-over"? I hardly doubt that! Then I thought since I am having such a hard time settling on one word, maybe I should pick "commit". Somehow that just doesn't seem to fit what I want for this new year. I have always been committed to everyone and everything I participate in. Then I thought, "balance". I could really use some balance in my life. Seems like I an always doing for others, and neglecting myself. No,that's just how I am. So I still haven't really thought of a word for the year ahead of me. But I know how much this whole thought process has made me, and that would be the word, "perplexed".
per·plexed (pr-plkst)
1. Filled with confusion or bewilderment; puzzled.
2. Full of complications or difficulty; involved.
This is how I spent most of last year,especially def#2, so I would prefer not to relive this state of mind. It is not enjoyable in any way.
So I tried to look up the opposite of perplexed. I want the opposite of last year. Now I am on the hunt. And I really need to quit making this all so difficult. After all its only one word!
I am going to make my word for 2009, ready?...
Main Entry: re·vive
Function: verb
Pronunciation: ri-'vīv
Inflected Form(s): re·vived ; re·viv·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French revivre, from Latin revivere to live again, from re- + vivere to live -- more at QUICK
intransitive senses
: to return to consciousness or life : become active or flourishing again
transitive senses 1 : to restore to consciousness or life
2 : to restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused state : bring back
3 : to renew in the mind or memory
I need to revive my relationship with God. My life in general needs revitalization.
My family needs me to come back to being happy and looking forward to the days ahead. I need that. I guess I really just need a little "re-do" and accept that.
I get so deep in the trenches of routines, that I forget about everything else.
I am glad that I found a word that I can use to help me get control back into my life. I need to get revived, in spirit, in life, in general. God has given my another day to do something for Him. Time to wake up and start living again. I need to be excited about another day to live,love and laugh!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Do not be perplexed! God is not the author of confusion. =] I am glad you finally chose a word. It was not easy for me either, but now that I have my word - I think about it every day! Let me know when you get your yummy treats. Miss you!
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