Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sniffles,coughs and sore throats

The whole house is suffering from one of the above complaints. At moments,it sounds like everyone is coughing in unison. Yes,we have the winter hack. So I have the cool humidifiers hard at work, along with the usual medicines. Hopefully, this won't last the remainder of winter.Last year was the worst. Started in September and didn't stop till late April. I think the vitamins the kids have been taking faithfully are actually working. At least that is what I am hoping. We didn't actually start getting sick until last week. Not bad, compared to last year.
I know I will be up during the night with at least one of the kids.
I will be thinking of a new day tomorrow. And according to Mr. Weatherman, rain is in the forecast for the next few days. We need the rain, that is for sure. Yey!
I am off to the hot herbal tea and then to bed. I hope.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday Fill-ins

1. Enough with the drama.

2. No income causes me to be conflicted.

3. I've been craving _a night out on the town__.

4.Jon Stewart makes me laugh.

5. I wish I could go to the island(Balboa or Catalina) next week.

6. The need for money has been on my mind lately.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _same old routine____, tomorrow my plans include an open mind and Sunday, I want to _go to church____!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Be Glad and Rejoice in it

Today was just one of those days where nothing of any great significance occurred here.
It was a nice day outside. Great for walking or taking my active little three year old out for a little bike ride. That would be her bike she rode on. I just walked around. The sun was shining so brightly and it actually got kinda warm. It seems so weird to say warm when it is reaching a whopping 56 degrees! But that is one of the things I really enjoy up here in the northern desert.
My husband seems to be getting stronger every day. He is trying to have a more positive attitude about things. That's a definite plus.
So today moved along rather smoothly. So I am just going to be content and rejoice in another great day that the Lord has given me to enjoy. I even baked a loaf of bread, from scratch. I won't talk about how it turned out, but it tasted good! I know the world was busy having one crisis after another. Yes, I care. But I am not going to let it rob me of a nice peaceful day here at home.
There is so much sorrow all around us on a daily basis. I am so glad God has given us hope in so many ways. And so many verses to grab on to. Yes, today was a good day.
I can feel my creative bones starting to twitch. Not sure what or where it will take me, but I am hoping for a little fun later on in the month.
So, Here I am enjoying the things the Lord has given me today. Peace and comfort in the day.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Another beautiful day with a sad twist

The day started out great. I have accomplished a lot in the last few days. Still waiting for the job, but things are looking better. The sun gave us a beautiful sunrise! It was still cold for me, but a beautiful beginning to a good day.
My son, who lives in another state,called to let me know that his bosses son had just been diagnosed with bone cancer. He is only seven years old. Wow, I thought, that was a blow for me. I could not even begin to imagine that man's grief. This man is in the same business I used to have. So of course I know him, but as a fellow businessman. What a horrible bit of news for any parent. The little guy has barely begun to live and now it seems he will not be around for another birthday.
So with this horrible news dwelling within my thoughts, I look around at all I have. Yeah, I started counting my blessings. You never know when things can change for you. It can happen in a heart beat. I can attest to that.
As hard as it is, I know God's hand is in there somewhere. Maybe one day we will all be able to understand what God was doing. But for now, we just have to trust. I have added to my prayers today , Rodney and his son. I pray the Lord take care and keep the family strong through this horrible ordeal that they must face.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Day- Revive me O Lord!

I have a new focus on things today. I have been so busy, and yet I feel like I am getting nothing accomplished.
My husband changed all that this weekend. Back in November, he suffered a mild heart attack. I have been so thankful that he is okay, and still am! This weekend he had a serious moment. I don't know what other words to use. He got up in the middle of the night, and before he could make it to the bathroom,he passed out. On his way down, he crashed into the closet doors with his head,full force. There was no gracefulness about it. He came down hard. Then I was right there with him, he was still unconscious. Then he slowly came to. I helped get to a sitting position, which I realize now was the wrong thing to do. He passed out again, only this time he stopped breathing. I freaked! I ran out and got my daughter and her friend. They are both C.P.R. certified. She called 911, while I and my daughters friend, tried to get him breathing. I have never been so terrified in all my life. The lack of life in his eyes scared me to death. He finally started to breath again. Paramedics arrived and talked him into going to the hospital. If he had his way, he would not have gone. Turns out he was very dehydrated, lacking potassium in his body, and anemic. I still am so skeptic. That caused all of that?! What a night!
So now I feel I must take control and start looking for options. I need to get a job out side of taking full care of my grand kids. Love them to death, but I need to find a way to get some kind of health insurance. This is just to much to take and not take some kind of action. I keep thinking my husband is going to spring up and make everything better. That's what he always has done. Reality is, he needs help and time to heal. It won't be quick. I need to step up to the plate. So I need to revive my life and his, by taking the reins from him for a while. However long it takes. I love him so much, I can't stand the thought of living a day without him, even if he is different. He has been through so much in the last few years, he is having a difficult time working through them. So as of tomorrow, after I visit all the state aids for help in paying all these bills, I will actively find employment. Even if it's a fast food place. I have no real work experience, except dispatching. There isn't much need for that up here in this small town. But. if single mothers have been doing it for decades, so can I. I can still help my daughter and help my husband. I am praying for strength that only the Lord can give me. So my life verse for the days ahead :
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strengh; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint Isaiah 40:31
I will be hanging on to this verse ever so closely.

Friday, January 9, 2009

1. It's January; and it is frosty cold outside.

2. Hot tea is what I crave most right now.

3. Cork and wine go together like honey and tea.
4. Chicken soup is so nourishing.

5. Let us dare to be ourselves.

6. I love my home.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to some rest, tomorrow my plans include laundry and Sunday, I want to go to church!

Time to get busy.

Well, it's already Jan. 9th, and I need to get busy on a whole list of things to do. I think I had the flu or some kind of bug,but am a lot better now. So I plan on getting started on my projects for the month. Not gonna share all that I have waiting for me, but it entails finding a source of income. Times are getting tighter every day and I need to do my part around here to bring in something. The hubby is still out of commission, so that leaves little ol' me. I will probably wait till Monday, since Fridays generally are not a good day to look.
So for now, I will continue to be Grandma of the day and take care of my little one. She is only three and has a pretty good start on learning her address. Now today we will work on writing her name. Off I go, a new day, a new experience awaits.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

One Word- Revived

I read a blog,which suggested that we should pick one word to sum up our thoughts or directions for the year to follow. I thought that it would be easy enough. Boy, was I wrong! I still haven't settled on one word. There just is way too many words, to pick just one! I admire those who could actually commit to one word. So I have thought, and thought, and thought some more. At first, all my words started with "R". Renew, Refresh , Review, Restructure...What does this mean. Do I really think I can get a "do-over"? I hardly doubt that! Then I thought since I am having such a hard time settling on one word, maybe I should pick "commit". Somehow that just doesn't seem to fit what I want for this new year. I have always been committed to everyone and everything I participate in. Then I thought, "balance". I could really use some balance in my life. Seems like I an always doing for others, and neglecting myself. No,that's just how I am. So I still haven't really thought of a word for the year ahead of me. But I know how much this whole thought process has made me, and that would be the word, "perplexed".

per·plexed (pr-plkst)
1. Filled with confusion or bewilderment; puzzled.
2. Full of complications or difficulty; involved.

This is how I spent most of last year,especially def#2, so I would prefer not to relive this state of mind. It is not enjoyable in any way.
So I tried to look up the opposite of perplexed. I want the opposite of last year. Now I am on the hunt. And I really need to quit making this all so difficult. After all its only one word!
I am going to make my word for 2009, ready?...

Main Entry: re·vive
Function: verb
Pronunciation: ri-'vīv
Inflected Form(s): re·vived ; re·viv·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French revivre, from Latin revivere to live again, from re- + vivere to live -- more at QUICK
intransitive senses
: to return to consciousness or life : become active or flourishing again
transitive senses 1 : to restore to consciousness or life
2 : to restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused state : bring back
3 : to renew in the mind or memory

I need to revive my relationship with God. My life in general needs revitalization.
My family needs me to come back to being happy and looking forward to the days ahead. I need that. I guess I really just need a little "re-do" and accept that.
I get so deep in the trenches of routines, that I forget about everything else.

I am glad that I found a word that I can use to help me get control back into my life. I need to get revived, in spirit, in life, in general. God has given my another day to do something for Him. Time to wake up and start living again. I need to be excited about another day to live,love and laugh!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Choosing Joy- Renewed strength

I have been so blessed to be a part of this challenge. I wasn't able to keep up every day, but I was able to look for joy in every day. What a blessing it has been to look for the good in every day instead of looking at the bad, which I might add is pretty easy. It has given me a renewed strength to keep moving in the forward direction, without dwelling on or focusing on the negativity around me every day. I am so glad for that. I hope to continue to seek all the good each day gives me. Here I am...Choosing joy.